Saxon Crow

Good gone bad

.*Hey gang, sorry I\'ve not been on here lately. Im makjng the most of this break by spending it with my family before going back to work! So apologies if i do not respond. Love to you all and i hope you are all keeping well, SC


Why do people never see
That the ugliness of this world
Is an ignorance disease
You hate and yearn to fight the big fight
By shitting on others to prove that you\'re right
So quick to condemn, to judge and prove false
While becoming the thing you profess to hate most
And heaven forbid someone dare challenge your pride
You curse them self righteously until they fall by the side
But much worse than a bad person is good one gone bad
They live their lives with their heads in the sand
You see its what the prophets and visionaries of this world always say
Learn to love and forgive, let go evil ways
But I\'ve yet to see anyone practice this lesson of soul
Because it\'s easier to hate than learn to let go