Gwen le Moore

A soulful wish

A dream I sing within the halls of my Cerebral

is the spread of love and compassion

held in between the ribs of God,

hoping will never leave any land nor ocean 

polluted by the life of sinners.

Flying through the lush evergreens

filled with a thick envy of life,

I squawk like the knell

mourning for my friends

as they breath the facades of freedom.

Inhale and exhale the fumes of hatred

because of inconvenience.


Why does the heart beat

within a stillborn child?

Emotionless cries spread in my ears

rooting out the acrimony built into my temple

As if a rock smelt the bushels 

of roses in its dry bed.

I am surrounded in quiet,

no longer tasting colors 

only residing in the forbidden light

and praying that the amore, amore

we sing could spread in every cell 

embodying a sight of peace

that no horizon has reached.


~~ Gwen le Moore ~~