Nafis Light

Living Side - Poet’s Reflection 12

upon looking at the skies
upon watching a bird...flies.


Flying away;
Drifting sideways;
Like the could fading,
So is the vision.


Where am I?
In a city,
different clothing;


Perhaps this is a dream
but it doesn’t matter
because there might be a reason to be here
and perhaps walking a bit would make things clear.


Cars rushing around;
People walking and chatting;
Even on the phone and ignoring others,
Then...a splash, on the face...waking.


Oh, a dream...truly,
It is raining outside...heavily;
It is nice somehow,
Although it would be better to continue that dream.


So much time has passed;
Hours of sleeping...undisturbed;
Now...focusing on the computer
and see what happened during the times that have passed and disappeared.


Bright Blessings,
Joker Green