Gwen le Moore

Be Like You

Sometimes I wish I could be like you.

Walking along the pillars of human life,

never wondering or wishing or dreaming.


Sometimes I wish I could be like you.

Never caring in the slightest 

or too loving in expression.


Sometimes I wish I could be like you.

Blinding my ears and deafening my eyes

to other sorrows that don\'t align to 

my cosmos.


But Gratefully I am not you.

I look upon the helpless

and wish I could be their place of comfort.


I am not you.

For I take in the skies and the butterflies

and cry for their beauty is a gift

upon the green seed in the earth that

God planted in our breasts.


I am not you.

Even the useless speech you look over

makes me smile to know life

has renewed again even in monotony.


I am not you

I love you


~ Gwen le Moore ~