
Resurrection Reassurances

Tune: Judas Maccabaeus

(\'Thine be the glory\')

1 Corinthians 15 v.51-58



Death, where is your sting? Grave, where victory?

Christ has overcome death, Victor e\'er He be


Here be a mystery, we not all sleep [in death]

But we shall all be changed, not forever weep

In a moment, in the twinkling of our eyes

At the last trumpet\'s sound, then the dead shall rise - Chorus


For they shall be raised, incorruptible

We alive shall be changed, here be glories all

For this corruptible must put on, \'tis true

Incorruption, for Christ shall make all things new - Chorus


And mortal must don immortality

So the saying comes to pass eternally

\'Where O death your sting? Where grave your victory?

Death is swallowed up in endless victory\' - Chorus


The sting of death is sin, and strength of sin

Is the law, but now let praise to God begin

And thanks, for He the one who gives victory

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, resurrected He - Chorus


So be you steadfast and immoveable

Always abounding in the Lord\'s work in all

For you know your labour in Him is not vain

He arisen, and eternal life we gain - Chorus