
Reaping Remembrances

Tune: Stowey

(\'When a knight won his spurs\')

Adapted with permission from 

\'Peace in the Valley\' by Angela & Brian


Well do I remember my quaint Old Village Church

Recalls memories to me of my youthful days

Their absence, their past days, they leave me in the lurch

For some have passed on or have gone their separate ways


Such scenes remind me, they do, of my youthful days

Where are the lads and lassies that I used to know?

For some have passed on or have gone their separate ways

Where are some living now, where, O where did they go?


Where are the lads and lassies that I used to know?

Some be in the churchyard, they be under the stones

Where are some living now, where, O where did they go?

Some in distant lands, some rest in peace, only bones


Some be in the churchyard, they be under the stones

Their absence, their past days, they leave me in the lurch

Some in distant lands, some rest in peace, only bones

Well do I remember my quaint Old Village Church