

Two weeks ago I found you lifeless on your bed,

In a deep slumber that can not be awoken,

A heart attack took you from us,

Two days ago we marked your birthday,

If felt strange you not being there,

We still remember you DAD and we will continue to,

Life feels different without you here,

We are slowly adapting to a life without you,

But you will be forever in our hearts,

Change takes time and we are still processing your death,

We miss you and we are here for each other,

We thank God for the time you were with us,

We thank you for all you did for us while here,

I learnt how to drive your car some days ago,

Some days are tough but I pray all will be well,

I hope that you are well in Heaven,

I hope you are smiling down on us,

Sleep a lifetime...forever in our hearts.