Aa Harvey

I will get through this.

I will get through this.



I will run through the pain and I will rise above the flames.

I will thank the Lord above, the day I truly feel safe.

I will open my arms and embrace the beauty of her face,

The day I can truly live again in this wonderful place.



I will get through this, I will fly up high;

I will get through this, I will raise another smile.

I will get through this, if only I can truly try,

To live again my friend, then I will once more feel alive.



I will travel on, in this little mixed up life of mine

And I will rise up one morning, to see the sun shine.

I will kiss the morning, whilst wearing nothing but a smile,

Because life does go on, so you can once more have a life.



Life is way too short to let your fears hold you back;

You need to look after your body to prevent a heart attack.

You need to find something to love, so you can truly relax,

Then you will find your Heaven once more

And at long last once more laugh.



I will get through this; I will fly up high.

I will get through this, I will raise another smile.

I will get through this, if only I can truly try,

To live again my friend, then I will once more feel alive.



As the rain falls down like the tears falling from my eyes,

I remember that time when the sun did truly shine.

It lit up her eyes like the radiance of her smile

And it made me feel at ease, like the water to the fire.



I will conquer my demons and stop all my negative thoughts

And I will remember the good times, like that time they acted cool.

I will stand up proud and remember how they touched our lives,

Like a ray of sunshine, they showed us our paradise.



I will get through this; I will fly up high.

I will get through this, I will raise another smile.

I will get through this, if only I can truly try,

To live again my friend, then I will once more feel alive.



(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.