
Goodbye Sam

A Goodbye to one of our guinea pigs.


Goodbye Shiny Sam

A shiny black guinea pig

Black, except for a smidgeon of ginger

On one side of your nose

And a ginger stripe

On one side of your back


You had company a while

But when your mate passed away

You and a new piggy did not get on well

A lonely life a times

Though you lived alone for about five months

You did not seem bothered by it


Though we should not leave you living alone really

Not just one piggy on its own

You need company


You survived a scratching to your neck

But later one of your teeth broke off

And your top front teeth needed filing too


We humans don\'t know sometimes

You piggies rush around and play as normal

Until suddenly you may become ill

And often - that\'s it then - the end is near


But it was worse

Not only your teeth

For the vet found you had a tumour underneath

We could not see it properly

Unless we lifted you up


So now time to sleep....

Rest in peace little friend

Thankful for your love and company