
Birdy Talk

Birdy talk


Yoga on branches in a tree

Smell of new leaves and spring breeze

Off the world in tranquility I rejoice

A tiny bird cut in with a trilling voice


Near overhead yet he not afraid of me

I whistle at him and he heeds me agree

Lively spirit,  possessed he

Chirping, and skipping, not a moment’s rest

While streams of melody burst from his breast

“Hark! Hark! I sing higher notes than you!”


When I shrill in my soprano

He flutters a step upward to the sky

“And you can’t reach this high!”

Dreading a slip and fall, I dare not try

Ashamed of my heavy torso like a slouth

And a voice inferior to his, though

Happy I am to have an alien as a companion

To exchange a few notes high at a pinion


Then out of nowhere another birdy light

On the same twig dialoging eager and bright

And sambaing and foxstrutting like Spright

It turns out that not to me but to his friend

that he is all along hailing in glee

No sooner they dart away for a spree

Leaving me alone at a loss in the tree