It\'s not a verse not a story,
it\'s an anecdote of some events that I stringed together to tell his glory..
I was lying in my bed with some thoughts in my mind
What\'s that in me that is very hard to define..
Is that the faith I carry in my heart for him,
Or it\'s just a superstition human needs, to stand to get that dim..
Somewhere deep I feel it\'s not just a faith or belief one have with that affection,
It\'s something every soul has experienced and still crave for that connection..
And then, I dive deep into my sea of contemplation,
Where I asked questions and found some answers that was beyond my imagination..
I started with, why I only got battles to fight for,
He said, because that will only show strength of yours..
Why everytime I did something good for anyone still never get anything in return,
He said smiling, oh my dear you will get thousand times bigger than that when it will be your turn..
I cried and said but why I lose people I love the most and had done so much with my heart,
He grabbed me tightly and said, because if that didn\'t happened it would tear you apart..
I asked why you chose me or saved me in this world wide,
He said smiling, because I see enormous potential and warrior in you but most importantly you are my child..
I was in perplexity and gleeful that he chose me then why to be sad,
I stand like a warrior and believer and tell myself I\'ll be like this until my deathbed..
In the end, only one thought came in my mind, that no matter what you did in past or what you are,

He will pick you up everytime and loves you unconditionally and will always heal your every scar..