
Bread Beneficiaries

Tune: Lux Eoi

(\'Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to heaven....\')

John 6 v.32-40


Jesus said, My Father gives you

The bread from heaven, bread true

For the bread of God is He who

Comes down from heaven for you

And gives life unto the world here

He does unto you appear

They replied, Lord, evermore give

Us this bread, so we shall live


Jesus said, I am the bread sure

Bread of life, a wholesome store

They that come to me shall never

Hunger, and not lack ever

And they that believe on me shall

Never thirst, a living well

Of water I shall be to them be

They shall drink, be refreshed, see


But He said, You too have seen me

But believe not, not agree

Though all that the Father gives me

Shall come unto me, so be

They that come to me in now wise

Will I cast out, nor despise

For I came down from heaven to

Not do my will, but to do


To do will of Him that sent me

He is God the Father, see

This the Father\'s will who sent me

That all He has given free

Unto me, I should lose nothing

But to save them, and them bring

To resurrection at last day

All shall be God\'s perfect way


And this too the will of Him who

Sent me, He is ever true

That every one which sees the Son

And believes on him, each one

May have everlasting life for

I will raise them up for sure

on the resurrection last day

They shall e\'er bide with me, stay