Poetic Dan

Art of the mutt

This will be my first rant of not holding back, on the people that think they have more knowledge of my tracks! Working with a new client she has no confidence and feels the worlds a scary place, she even lashed out at our old jack on the first date. We showed her straight away we have no fear but you must be submissive with balance to flow in our pack. Within minutes she knew, you back me up, I don\'t back up you! Have trust that I can stop them before they get to you, if not they will be shown exactly what I showed you!
A few weeks have gone by and she is doing so well, slowly trusting my younger one will give her space! I often hear the words I\'ll do anything for my dog, give it my last penny or food, even my unconditional love.. But I love the look on their faces when I say, can you stop giving it a hug and self reflect on your energy of fight, freeze or flight! Because true intelligence means adapting to unfamiliar or sudden changing environments! Today I was finishing a brilliant walk in the park, to end it by being met (in an narrow alleyway)with two chihuahuas barking at us to back off! Only one backed off, the other stop proud, waiting for its reinforcements to arrive! At this point I\'ve called and kept my dogs all behind me, so I moved one step forward, calmly and assertive, to ask it to give us space! To be hit with the massive bark from its human, Don\'t! Do that.. You just scared the dog... \"Look how Small it is!\" Wow, I obviously had to try to explain that this was not mine or my packs view but he had to yapping and just closed the garden gate ready to bark some more. Racist or breedist you are all the same, ready to blame the rest but not take your own test!
When your ready to enter back into the school of life and the universal language of energy, that means your dog is not just barking and doesn\'t need picking up to be smothered in a reality that even you don\'t like!

Thanks for your time
Art of the mutt