
Mad at self for dozing off while meditating

(alternately titled: venerated

uber transcendent state haint give me no lyft)


Ultimate mission (ofttimes possible)

closed eyed insight courtesy meditation

ideally buoys state of consciousness

to naturally induced doze zen realm

disgruntlement arises if yours truly

unaware headstrong winds overtake helm


I invariably drift into light sleep

hours later jostle awake

(analogously experience self named

compressed Rip Van Winkle syndrome)

just smidgen fifty plus shades

gray grizzle coating chin


clumsily amble toward nearest sink

splash cold water across face

apply towel - daub cheeks

various sundry mucus loosened

thick globs phlegm

subsequently, significantly, satisfactorily


expel smallish secretion

out nostrils (pressing

one damned nostril closed

expelling repeating process

other nostril cleared) Semitic nose

clean as a whistle


don glasses to espy time

digitally printed white

within rectangular panel

courtesy electricity illuminating

Verizon set top box

reckon eyes clockface reads


what the ƒ*©* in dog\'s name...

of Sam Hill, Judas Priest, Matthew Scott...

dadgummit yikes, the time

way past bewitching hour

relaxation cast sleeping spell,

I awoke with a start


\'curse saliva drooling and curdling

chin see? ole beastie boy body (mine)

aging baby boomer codger

don\'t be fooled by

boyish good looks (mine)

nevertheless feral, corporeal


being somewhat refreshed

particularly quaffing


to smooth edges jagged grogginess

thus set self able, eager,

ready, and willing to dash off


aforementioned poem at expense

handily deferred (furloughed)

exercise ma moose hills with

two fifteen pound dumbbells

least till complete literary task

which syrup rise ending snuck up

from outer limits of twilight zone.