
Agalliao - Praise Series

Tune: Diademata

(\'Crown him with many crowns\')


Luke 10 v.21

A-gal-li-a-o. rejoice

Praise the Lord with one voice

And jump for joy and leap, exult

The Lord, He without fault

Jesus did rejoice such

Was grateful and glad much

That God His Father had revealed

To humble ones, so willed


1 Peter 1 v.6

Rejoice in salvation

You folk of each nation

Great joy you have, though seasons too

Where trials may come to you

And then you heavy be

Distressed, consternedly

Through temptations, though joy not left

You downcast nor bereft


Revelation 19 v.7

Let us rejoice, be glad

Our hearts no longer sad

For marriage of the Lamb shall come

God\'s people, every one

Invited to such feast

From greatest unto least

Christ is the Lamb and the bridegroom

We the bride, each has room


Luke 1 v.44

Elizabeth did say

On that great joyful day

When Mary, mother of our Lord

The Christ, the living Word

Did visit her, then she

Said, behold, the babe he

John Baptist in my womb did leap

For joy, and I not weep