Tune: Llanfair
(\'Hail the day that sees Him rise\')
Acts 1 v.9-11
Christ ascends victorious - Alleluia!
He has conquered death for us - Alleluia!
Gathered at the mount all see - Alleluia!
His ascent majestically - Alleluia!
His work done, the Father\'s Son - Alleluia!
Comparable unto none - Alleluia!
Returns to His throne on high - Alleluia!
Yet His presence with us nigh - Alleluia!
For His Spirit He us sends - Alleluia!
The Comforter, h us tends - Alleluia!
They did look, beheld that day - Alleluia!
A cloud received Him away - Alleluia!
They still looked up, then men two - Alleluia!
In white had this message, You - Alleluia!
Why do you still stand and gaze - Alleluia!
In wonder and great amaze? - Alleluia!
For this same Jesus will sure - Alleluia!
Who heaven and earth adore - Alleluia!
Shall in like manner return - Alleluia!
Serve Him faithful, for this yearn - Alleluia!