
Mr Myers.

There I was on the rugby pitch,

My first sports afternoon at school.

I knew nothing about rugby,

At that time.

A ruck was forming in front of me,

A teacher came to me,

Put his arm round my shoulder,

Grabbed a boy from the opposition ,

Bent us forward,

Pushed us into the ruck.

He shouted

“Heads down and push lads!”

That was my first contact,

First contact with a man

Who during my time at school

I came to respect,

As did all the other pupils.

He never shouted at students,

Except on the rugby field.

To my knowledge

He never punished anyone,

But as soon as he arrived,

Arrived at the classroom door,

The pupils became quiet.


I learned a great deal from that man,

Not just the maths that he taught

But also respect,

Respect he gave to all,

Teachers and pupils alike.

A man I was proud to know,

And proud to have been taught by.

Thank you Mr Myers.