
Positively Praising

Tune: Laudate Domino

(\'O praise ye the Lord\')

Psalm 145 v.1-7


I will extol you, my God, O King true

I will bless your name, for ever will do

Every day I will bless you, praise your name e\'er

Your riches and wonders with all peoples share


God is the LORD, and greatly to be praised

Let all worship Him, and thanks be upraised

His greatness unsearchable, it not full known

To humans, but if Himself He has us shown


One generation shall praise your works to

Another, shall declare your acts anew

And I will speak, meditate of the glory

And honour of your majesty, splendidly


And people shall speak of the might, awesome

Of your deeds, and your greatness, let us come

To speak abundantly of your great goodness

And sing of your righteousness, us you shall bless