
Song, Jesus Just Shine

Take away my pain & suffering,
Take away my loneliness & solitude,
Fire me up to be in your resistance,
Ooh put me in the mood,
Storm the walls around my minds prison,
Leave me in; just free the guards,
Bless me with another future,
From your brand of living; within my yards,
Take all sin’s weight off of my body,
Smooth out strife from the life you provide,
Take me Home to be among your rustling pines,
Jesus just Shine,
Jesus just Shine,
Ooh Jesus please just Shine,
Like God’s voice echoing down life’s canyon,
Our life here not coming out too clear,
Lately I judged the distance,
Not the words meant for me to hear,
I’ve been too long on this Island,
I’ve been far too long on my own,
I’ve been too long upon this Earth,
Without you calling me Home,
I know I can make the effort,
Because Jesus; you took the time,
Maybe then I can leave this World behind,
Jesus just Shine,
Jesus just Shine,
Ooh Jesus please just Shine,
In you I am a rich man,
Just lost & lonely not wanting to be left behind,
Waiting & watching for you all the time,
Trying to be patient; to all just be kind,
Until you Shine,
Jesus until you Shine,
Jesus please Shine,
Will I hear your trumpet or be left behind?,
Ooh Jesus call us Home to be Forever,
Jesus just Shine,
Jesus just Shine,
Jesus please just Shine!