Alan .S. Jeeves

The Cooling Cloudburst

As lightening brights the meadow

And thunder dulls the air;

I feel it still,

A stormy chill,

An aura everywhere.


I wander o\'er the pathway

And paddle through the rain;

My bootheels squash

The squelchy wash

Along the puddled lane.


My face refreshed with teardrops

The clouds have wept from high;

They gently wet

My eyes, and yet,

They barely seem to cry.


I dance on midst the moisture

The hail sends down to earth;

I sense the beat

Beneath my feet

And sing for all I\'m worth.


But then the fulgid sunlight

Warms the land once more;

I\'m home to you

As I step through

A rainbow\'s archwayed door.

