Kevin Michael Bloor

Magic Mangled Mystery

My life’s a tearful tragedy:

a twisted, tangled thread

of magic, mangled mystery

inside my aching head.


A dark and dismal dreadful deep

where lurking in its lair

like savage, in my soul it sleeps:

dread dragon of despair.


The baneful, breathing brevity

of bitter, bated breath

for orphans of eternity

condemned to certain death!


The heartache of a lover spurned,

the cruellest coward\'s kiss

that for my sins, has earned for me

my banishment from bliss.


The night that stole away from me

those dearest, dream-filled days

and stained my sense and sanity

with gloomy, garish greys.


When will this winter fade and flee;

when will the spring return?

When will my true love come to me,

this tortured tide to turn?


O Life! O death! O tragedy!

O twisted, tangled thread

of magic, mangled mystery

inside my aching head!