
Poem, If Jesus is the standard bearer!

If Jesus is the standard bearer?,

Our heart sharer,

Then Father we are so far away from you,

As Space & Time has moved us in the cosmos,

We are so far away from you,

Yet in your Son is the bridge found,

The gift in Love bound,

The closer we think we are,

The farther we become,

Until when seeing a star,

It comes as a revelation,

We are moving in our,

Lives so far away from you,

As cosmos grow expanding,

We move so far away from you,

Then it finally comes to ones mind,

Jesus still you are the standard bearer,

Our heart sharer!,

No matter how near,

Or far,

Sent to not only all but me,




So Thank You Jesus,

For the Holy Spirit,

Who not only guides,


Clears our minds,

Leads your way,

He also keeps us safe,

In You Father,

But not always,

In this world,

As Death does come to us,

It came to your 1 and only Son,

What so ever came to Him,

Comes for any of us again,

To those who are on your side,

For us all who are in Christ,

Not riches in and of this Earth,

Riches in and of Gods Kingdom!

So believers,

Always remember,

You know you’re on the right side,

As all hell breaks loose,

Even within your mind,

Fall you will not,

Jesus has been bound in Love,

To you as a Heavenly knot,

Not with treasures of this world,

Yet untold!,

But of a City in Gods Kingdom,

That glows as gold!