
What is in Your Life?

A question came to mind,

‘What is in your life?’

I thought and pondered.

The love of my life has gone,

Waiting to meet me

When I go to her,

After my journey in this time

Has ended.

So what do I have now?

I have family

Who I love,

And who love me.

I have friends

Who are there for me

As I am for them.

But for me

Just for me I do have three things.

Music will always come first,

It has been there all my life,

And my life without music

Would be non-existent.

Poetry has been with me,

With me for several years.

The idea of not writing,

Not writing every day is an anathema,

An anathema to me.

And then there is the third,

The one that still surprises me.

I enjoy it so much when I play,

When I play croquet.

So looking back on my life,

My long life,

I am happy with what has passed,

I am also happy with what I have,

My life of music, poems and croquet.