
Poem, America’s Shame!

President Donald “the Coward” Trump who upon seeing Citizens,

Exercise their 1st Amendment rights just outside the White House in fence clad,

Was so alarmed he peed his pants so very bad,

Secret service had yet to proclaim our president was to be had,

Before they could make their move Drumpf had dropped his drawers,

Beat them in a race of those who protect him to the doors,

Ran to the bunker in such a fright beat secret service,

Men once proved in their conditioning,

While stripping his garments on his way to the positioning,

Behind bigly doors of precision metal he cowered as before,

Of being safe & sound once again he was on the floor,

Unable to see the Citizens he called Antifa,

Tuned into Fox to make sure he was still a diva,

But it leaked out, 

He was in doubt,

In a hurried rush he put back on his clothes & makeup,

To then get in front of a camera to say is was all a hoax!,

Made up in fake news as in he didn’t choke,

But we now know what those who can’t count from 1 to 2,

Those who wouldn\'t know Jesus if He was in front of you,

Not Antifa, your neighbor standing up no not a coup,

That Citizens can exercise the 1st amendment,

Yes Drumpf supporters especially as your pants fill up with poo,

That it is superior as in comes 1 then 2 even though unpleasant,

Without those who show up to excise their number 2!