
Marriage Magnificence

Tune: Hanover

(\'O worship the King\')

Revelation 19 v.5-9


John heard voice from throne, saying, Our God praise

All you His servants, Him worship upraise

And you that do fear Him, you folk small and great

Come praise and adore, He of royal estate


And heard as it were, voice, great multitude

And as many waters sound, fresh, renewed

And as mighty thunderings, they all saying

Alleluia, omnipotent, God is King


For He reigns for e\'er, Lord God eternal

Let us be glad, rejoice, give honour all

To Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come

His Son Jesus welcomes wife unto His home


For she has prepared, made herself ready

They who trust in Christ and His servants be

She given fine linen, it both clean and white

Her wedding-dress glorious, wonderful sight


It be made up of the saints righteous deeds

Now gathered in wheat, and cast out the weeds

Blessed they who are called to marriage supper pure

Of the Lamb, these are true sayings of God sure