Tune: Dies Dominica
(\'We pray thee, heavenly Father\')
Matthew 26 v.26-29
Gathered at the Last Supper
They did meet, there confer
Jesus and disciples all
Sure they had heard His call
To follow Him, make ready
The meal, prepared that day
And as they there were eating
Jesus did do a thing
He took bread, and did bless it
Broke it, gave it, \'twas fit* (*suitable, apt)
Gave to disciples, and said
Take, eat, by this be fed
For this is my body true
Shall be broken for you
The gospel of salvation
Unto every nation
And He gave thanks, took th cup
Gave to them, said, All sup* (*drink)
Of this, for it is my blood
Shall be a cleansing flood
Blood of the new testament
\'Tis the new covenant
Shed for many, remission
Of sins brings to each one
Brings forgiveness, redemption
Through Jesus, God\'s own Son
Would drink it then not again
Until the time comes when
He shall drink it with us true
In the kingdom anew
In His Father\'s kingdom sure
Which shall be evermore