
Trust Today

Tune: St Denio

(\'Immortal, invisible, God only wise\')

Psalm 37 v.1-11


Fret not yourself because of evil-doers

Nor be envious against those whose heart stirs

To work iniquity, for they shall soon be

Cut down like the grass, and whither like it, see


Trust in the LORD, and do good, so shall you dwell

In the land and be fed, you shall true fare well

Delight yourself also on the LORD, and He

Shall give you your heart\'s desires, so shall it be


Commit your way to the LORD, trust in Him too

And He shall bring things to pass, shall you renew

He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light

And your justice, judgement as the noon-dyay bright


Rest in the LORD, and be waiting, patiently

For Him, not fretting at wicked\'s evil way

Their seeming prosperity, it shall not last

The LORD soon shall their wicked schemes all out cast


Cease from anger, forsake wrath, yourself not fret

In any wise to do evil, though not yet

Evil-doers they seem not cut off, but they

Shall be so in time, and so shall come their day


But those waiting on the LORD shall inherit

The earth, and the wicked\'s plans shall be forfeit

But th meek the earth shall inherit, \'tis true

And delight in abundance of peace e\'ermore