Accidental Poet

My Mama Knew

Mama knew I had eyes for you

Guess it was plain to see

Young love in my quiet eyes

Though I didn’t know why she smiled at me


In a father/son, father/daughter golf game

We played golf one day

You and your dad

My sister, my dad and I you played


With me being so shy

My heart I cloaked in disguise

Our mothers watching

No hiding the truth from their eyes


Mama knew you had my heart

She sensed your presence in me

 “That Sharon is a really nice girl”, She said,

“So proud you must be”


Somehow, she must have known

You were my secret love

Had she heard my prayers,

My calling on stars above?


For only you Sharon

Could reach so deep into my heart

So deep to touch my heart’s core

And leave there your uniquely beautiful art


I\'d thought it was my secret

And mine alone

For I was unaware

How my love for you has shown


I wonder if your mother

Was aware of my love for you

Looking back now I know

My mama knew


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2011