
I Try My Best

At night I might be lost.

In the morning,

I might ask myself, \"what\'s next\".

Every once in a while,

when I am relaxing,

I even might seem stressed.

Still, when I go,

about my day;

in everything I do,

I do my best.

It may seem like a cliche,

but I know the Lord,

will do the rest.

I am committed to Christ.

So as long I am here,

I will strive to be,

the best man I can be,

as Heaven draws near.

As I reach in my thirties,

my forties,

and my fifties,

no matter what happens,

I know I have the Lord with me.

I do not know why,

He loves me so much.

I messed up so many times,

and I still feel His touch.

Who am I,

to recieve such love?

Why do you give me,

so much blessings from above?

So as I go sleep,

I will think,

\'what is in store for me\',

even though,

I\'ll always know,

You have so much more for me,

because You have,


lined up in order for me.