IN International Colour Coding  ORANGE  always denotes*Proceed with Caution* so it is with the current  *State of COVID 19* in the UK. BORIS ~ who like TRUMP is a Capitalist and He realises the importance for all our futures is the ECONOMY !  So because we have moved from the RED (Stop) to the ORANGE Zone ~ and for many into the GREEN (Go) Saturday FOURTH of JULY was declared *INDEPENDENCE From LOCKDOWN Day*  WE have bought our TURKEYS and PUMPKIN PIE and ROOT BEER and we are all ready to P A R T Y  in our B U B B L E S ! EXCEPT for LEICESTER & possibly BRADFORD & possibly ???????  The Schools are ready - The Shops & Cafes are ready ~ BUT *COVID STILL RULES - KO !*  


F UTURE ~ After COVID Nineteen

U ncertain ~ Unstable ~ Unseen ?

T he Future is Orange you know

U ncertainty suggest CAUTION 

R ED for STOP and then GREEN for GO

E ach colour in Proportion !


I F I see Orange ~ tells me that

S omething still needs caution ~ O drat !


O bviously ALL want to return

R eady for School and to LEARN

A nd to Work in order to EARN !

N inety percent ~ want the WORLD back to Normal

G etting back mixing & frisking ~ Informal !

E ND of JUNE ? I Still wonder - it is TOO SOON ? 


Thanks for visit comments welcome LOVE ~ Angela & Brian