
Poem, If there was a wish

If I had one wish,
Don’t think I’d let it pass,
Can think of only 1 thing I need,
No hypocrites; Nor strife for me,
No plight; No 1 bound,
Nothin to hate; no looks to perceive,
Being in Love with You,
Has made me useful; on fire and inspired,
What more could be asked for,
There’s nothing left to be desired,
When my Father’s spirit is inside me,
It breaks the chains loose; leaves me to be unbound,
Setting us free being more peaceful,
No strife ever to be found,
All I need is your Spirit in me,
Yes; because I Love you,
All I need to welcome in; is ask it of thee,
Yes to Love you,
Sets off all the freedom I need,
For all time,
What’s needed is the Holy Spirit to be,
Because I Love you,
All I need is your Spirit in me,
Yes I Love you so all I need is your Holy Spirit of thee!