Thomas J. Dooley




What do you need from me

Lurking following, there is a sense of you, but I can\'t see

To understand you is always changing

With no destination in my life, I am rearranging.


What I need from you

I need a schedule to keep pace, is all I can do

Can\'t quite what I have started

Late to the party isn\'t what I wanted.


Who you think you are

Can\'t describe you near or far

Never in one place, you got no face

Without you, I might never get paid.


Who am I without you

Can\'t keep an appointment without you

Always running late looking like a fool

Try to keep you on my wrist; treat you like a tool.


Nothing grows without you

Nothing moves without you

No schedules without you

This is the essence of you.


©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020