
Electorate witnesses wounded beast... flailing, lurching, and writhing in throes of agony


Trumpets blare acknowledging

crack hunters lucky strike,

i.e. bullseye salvo shot at

innocuous yet brutish

and nasty looking Homo sapien

courtesy elite militia incapacitates,

(yet doth not kill) mortal enemy.


Tis a moost dangerous threatening president
(assailed all points of the compass)

able, eager, ready and willing to loose

anarchy, chaos, entropy...

sabotaging, sacrificing, saddling

every precious life (yet those unborn)
within ethos, diktat, and credo of brinkmanship.


His indefatigable stonewalling campaigning stage

lumbers with increased rage

taking out apprentice playbook, a page

titled how to win at all costs -

even Pyrrhic victory
(bang... bang... bang near fatal reportage).


Part and parcel of Democratic brigade

I aspire lobbing metaphorical brickbat enfilade

to stoke public disgust at

United States incumbent president

more incompetent than student in fifth grade
(apology extended for any unintended insult
exhibited by whip smart kids
genetically custom tailor made).


Though madly thrashing

across his barren domain

all manner of expedient strategy

to defeat him, I will try to explain

for no citizen of voting age

ought not remain complacent

one humble human (me)

smugness doth not feign

cuz, day of reckoning

spelling boom or bust,

Joe Biden moost gain

as commander in chief lest...

the following blather

I readily admit might seem

pointless, futile and inane

yet fools rush in,
where angels fear to tread,


while America crumbles to ruins,

a fate moost loath to witness

if apathy prevails nary any trace left,

where glory throve and inevitably

strews once fruitful plain

inviting twenty first century Vandals

to usurp millennial reign

thus on two hundred and forty fourth

anniversary when original thirteen colonies


set figurative sights to track and train

democratic experiment, within which history

(yours truly, a generic hypocrite)

admits instances where

tentative existence graphs

sinusoidal curve, which plotted path

waxed with promise, boot now

prospect for continuity doth wane.


Shameless to allow lofty ideal

regarding hard won enfranchisement amendment

gifted upon all citizens, yet inalienable right

still far reality exercised

(née thwarted every step of the way
towards those whose very flesh bled)


with justice once and for all

for many across land

from sea to shining sea

(line excerpted from America the Beautiful

accredited to Katharine Lee Bates)

penned during 1893 trip

to Colorado Springs, Colorado.