
Greatness Gloryings

Tune: Darwall

(\'Rejoice, the Lord is King\')

Psalm 147 v.1-7


Hallelujah, now praise

The LORD, His name upraise

For it is good to sing

To Him, our God and King

For it is pleasant, and praise be

Comely, lovely in its beauty


The LORD He does build sure

His city evermore

Jerusalem it be

He gathers outcasts, see

He heals the broken in heart, true

Binds up their wounds, sorrows anew


He counts numbers of stars

he sets earth\'s frames and bars

He calls stars all by name

The LORD, who made the same

Creator of all e\'er He be

Each star, planet, and galaxy


Great is our Lord, and He

Too of great power be

His understanding is

Infinite, true is this

His thoughts innumerable, so

Humans cannot Him fully know


He lifts up meek, humble

They trust Him, on Him call

He casts wicked to ground

Their ways shall not abound

Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving

All voices and instruments bring