When the one I\'d loved the longest caught the Covid-19 blues.
I was lost, for she had always been my goddess and my muse.
Do I stay or do I leave her? Didn\'t really have to choose.
When the girl, who was my heaven, barely breathing, held my hand.
Even though I knew I loved her; I began to understand:
all those days I\'d walked without her, I had stepped on sinking sand.
When Aurora\'s sun was blazing over hills where once we\'d roam.
Side by side we shared our symptoms, during lockdown in our home,
with the fire of fever raging \'neath our dark domestic dome.
When that plague would not be shaken, when each day would find us worse.
Then my angel, who was braver, stood beside my bed to nurse.
She was equal to pandemics; she could conquer cruellest curse.
When a beam of sunlight shimmered many weeks into our trial.
She, who\'d soothed us in our sorrow, greeted me with sweetest smile,
vowed to me in words of wisdom; we\'ll defeat this virus vile!
When the healing streams did follow, day by day our strength increased.
Led by hope, we dared to wonder; from this plague, are we released?
When my son said, prayer had done it; I said, beauty slew the beast!
When my love and I recovered, we no more felt ill at ease,
so we walked and shared together summer’s softly sighing breeze.
While we wandered, we remembered those who’d died of dread disease.