PSALM 8 ~ which is in both the JEWISH & the CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES goes on to state ~ *GOD made MAN ruler over Life on Planet Earth.  Flocks & Herds ~ Birds of the Air and Fish of the Sea ! An Awesome responsibility !* The Scriptures clearly teach that MAN is  GODS unique Creation (More ANGEL than APE !). Placed on Planet Earth with the Ability & Intelligence to manage & control & sustain a LIVING PLANET !  How are we doing so far ? !     


GOD MADE MAN ~ Responsible for Life on Planet Earth

GOD gave MAN the ability to understand the BIRDS & BEES

MAN still has to prove ~ of this task he is Worth !


MAN has this ability from the Day of His Birth

GOD gave Him the ability ~ for cultivating PLANTS & TREES

GOD MADE MAN ~ Responsible for Life on Planet Earth



A task which should be treated with respect and not with mirth

GOD gave MAN Intelligence to comprehend Life Mysteries 

MAN still has to prove ~ of this task he is worth !


Today MAN has a problem controlling Life on Earth

Because He is responsible for Global Warming ~ getting worse

GOD MADE MAN ~ responsible for Life on Planet Earth !


MANKIND knows through Global Warming ~ things are worse

Impossible to reverse it ~ the Ice Caps wont refreeze

MAN still has to prove ~ of this task He is worth!


Population is still rising ~ Thing are getting worse

Life is tough with COVID 19 ~ in Pandemic Days like these

GOD MADE MAN responsible for Life on Planet Earth

MAN still has to prove ~ of this task He is Worth !


Thanks for visit comments welcome LOVE ~ ANGELA & BRIAN


This POEM is presented as a VILLANELLE an old French Form of classic Poetry in which two key lines are oft repeated. It consists of 19 lines in Five triplets & One quatrian. The Rhyming pattern is interesting and specific. In the POEM above I have colour coded it io make the repetition clear ~ OK. Upper case denotes Repetition. Repeated lower case letter denote the same rhyme !  Please note there are only two rhyming sounds in the POEM  a (starting with EARTH in line one) and b (starting with BEES in line two).  When composing a Villanelle you have to chosse your two rhyming words carefully !  Why not try one !   


A1 b A2   a b A1   a b A2   a b A1   a b A2   a b A1 A2