Poetic Dan

Rock on a rock

2020 is the year we should all see, no body can take responsibility for thee


Nothing more and it\'s as old as time, all thinking no person\'s bolder is more than mine!


We deserve nothing, no not at all. The gift was already given before we could crawl


Yes! Just to witness the beauty of life, everything big to miniscule


We shouldn\'t need to review our stories, amongst many wars


Everyone\'s shoulders has the weight of reality turned on


It\'s hard for all to absorb the information of existence


Some never get it and sit in a bubble of oblivious to, it!


I cannot tell you want \"it\" is, as each have their own


I know its like a flame in your had, it will come and go


Each time finding \"it\" more sublime to help us grow


To the point we fly back into the sun, wishing we could of shown


The rock was only as heavy or light as we know


To realise and pass on, no extra pressure to others climb to the top


All uping the vibration of the energetic matter that comes back down to a bigger rock!