
Sensitive Sufferings

Tune: Langran

(\'Here, O my Lord,  I see thee face to face\')


Lord, in your human need upon the cross

Did thirst when suffering to redeem our loss

You died, then rose again, our sins bearing

Full human, full divine, now reign as King


O depth of pain and humiliation

You gave your life for all of each nation

We could not save ourselves, but only you

Could save us, your Father\'s will perfect do


Your love, the Son, unto your Father true

And His love shared mutually with you

Filled with the Spirit, you would e\'er obey

Made possible for us salvation\'s day


Yet can it be, your Father\'s will, that you

Should take the cup of suffering to do

What we cannot do, to save us from sin

And make us new creations, cleansed within?


But yes, \'tis so, upon your offering

We meditate, and unto you praise bring

Holy Lamb of god, sacrifice for all

Forgiveness, new life, to who on you call