
Listen america

What has happened in the world today..... children dont even go outside to play....

Dont go around no one.....

Cover ur face.... please stay away.... 

The fights are starting in the streets.... no respect for our soldiers.... not even the ones that went to there grave to show America could never be beat.... 

Sacrifices made so we could be free..... now to became slaves..... just as they had planed it to be.....

Having us turn on each other.... fighting in the streets...

Part 2 of the their plan is now compete....

See if we stood strong and United we would never suffer defeat....

That why they play us against the other.... keep us separated.... trying to erase history.... everything we knew will soon become a mystery..... 

Hypnotizing.... becoming prisoners.. do their will......

Control our every movement.....

Those who wont listen will be killed... 

America Listen to my words and listen well... rise together and make a stand...

One nation under god.... not one nation under man......