dusk arising

covid robbery



robbed of
a toddler advancing
grandchild now talking
in videos she\'s walking
robbed of hello
a sweet smile to my eyes
robbed of a kiss
from this sweet little life
a hug and a story
i\'d make up so many to tell
go away robbing covid
and your evil death knell
WhatsApp and email
texts on my phone
sweet baby growing up
locked down at home
no visits allowed
no picnics and games
no blow away dandelions
silly grandpa\'s daft names
no pulling odd faces
and  sticking out tongues
blowing bubbles in sunlight
we\'d have so much fun
sweet little face
mumma\'s teaching her well
she knows what the shapes are
where her nose is as well
soon she\'ll be counting
just you wait and see
oh i hope can kiss her
before she learns ABC