A Boy With Roses

Idle Wilde

Fixed like a pearl-shiny star

Barefooted and luckless

In the hollow corner


I\'ve polished the flames

With the rosebuds in the garden

Barb-wired details fleshed-out the argument

Like a stone reflection, bored as a puddle

Or a goldfish swimming in circles

In a fish tank


Hours later I\'m rose gold like root beer

In a dry and dark place with something to say

Naked-eye like a witness, bird with no feathers

The slow tempo softly bubbles

Like cloudy sea foam

An invisible globe insists on shining                                                                                           

In its queer fashion, at four in the morning                                                                                     

I enter open doorways and shut them like clams                                                                         

Rooted in ice sheets, bookmeat and celestial dreams                     

I need a new coat of paint like a cavelike moonface                                                             

Trees uprooted, the weatherman says moonjewels                                                           

The vapour is a caged bird, laid like dust                                                                                 

Clamshut and existing like a river


Behind the glossy aqua exterior, the scripture                                                                 

There\'s nothing much to rave about                                                                               

Not tonight, at least                                                                                                                   

I can hear mother darkness making whale cries                                                                     

Foxspells at the cliff edge, buttered stars                                                                               

Freshly showered and coloured silver                                                                                       

Like snowy walls, skyscraper tall                                                                                       

Idle wilde like a fruit stone.