scarlet poet

dear diary

Dear diary,

such a simple phrase. 
so easy to spill secrets to its entirety,

although hard to say aloud. 

dear diary,

the place that knows me best. 
the place I scratch down my worry. 
it knows my heartbreaks and heartaches. 

dear diary,

I\'m here again, with a new mistake. 
you hold every single memory,

but I hope no one finds you. 

dear diary,

I messed up again, but I\'m sure you knew that. 
thanks for being trustworthy,

keeping all my lows in the pages. 

dear diary,

thank you for the therapy,

you in all your glory and finery,

even though your leafs run low. 

dear diary,

we\'ve hit it for the long run,

but pencil smudges make it blurry. 
I should\'ve used pen, but my time has come. 

it\'s too late.