Tune: Newcastle
(\'Eternal Light! Eternal Light!\')
John 8 v.12
Jesus, He said, I am the light
Of the world,and give sight
To those that follow me, they shall
Not walk in darkness, but do well
Have the light of life bright
Light of the world, illuminate
And view our darkened state
Give light spiritual, on us dawn
For you are the true Dayspring\'s morn
Your light does ne\'er abate
John 1 v.4-5
In Christ is life, and that life, see
The light of men* it be (*mankind)
The light does shine in the darkness
Darkness ne\'er dims light, we confess
It shines victoriously
John 9 v.5
As long as Christ in the world is
His word said, true is this
That He is the light of the world
Salvation\'s plan reveled, unfurled
Lead to eternal bliss
John 12 v.36
While we have light, let us believe
In the light, it receive
So then the children of the light
We shall be, and forsaking night
See the Way*, no deceive (*the Way = Christ)