
Sidewalk Cracks

She said \"Darling,

Our love lives in the sidewalk cracks
It ran wild once upon a time
Never planted, just seeds that landed
And it grew like wildfire
And it bloomed like wildflowers
And passersby marveled
At its tenacity and grace
How it made itself known
And how it weathered stormy days

And then came the concrete
Day by day
We were crushed by the weight
Because pavement suffocates
You see life did its best
To keep us hidden away\"

\"But Darling\", she said, \"remember...

Our love lives in the sidewalk cracks
And just like the weeds decorating my lawn
It always pushes on
It squeezes its way through
Like the dandelions we once blew
And even the rainy days
Can\'t drown our love away
They only water our roots
And so up, and up we shoot

Taller each Spring
Wiser, with wider wings
Stronger each Fall
Ready to withstand it all
Darling, our love lives in the sidewalk cracks
And we will always be back\"