
Some Day

The day will come when the oceans, rivers, streams
and brooks will speak with one voice -- we are not
simply alike, we are the same.  We are water
that nourishes the earth.  We are one substance.
We may not look alike, but we are of the same
essence.  We are many expressions of the
same being.

The day will come when oak trees and pines,
aspens and cedars, maples and palms will
speak with one voice -- we are diverse sameness.
Deep inside we are one with each other.  We
may not look alike, but we share a fundamental
commonality.  We are many expressions of the
same being.

The day will come when birds and flowers
and grasses and four-legged creatures will speak
in natural harmony -- and they will reveal the
obvious, the undeniable, the indisputable:
everything is everything, everyone is everyone,
I am you and you are me.  We are we.

Some day.  Some day.  Deeper than color,
broader than language, beyond birth and
boundaries...some day human beings will
be moved deeply by the sacred heart beat
of creation and finally realize the inherent
cosmic rhythm that binds all living things
together.  And they will look upon each other
with heart eyes, and their joined hands will
rise toward smiling stars and pleasured

The oceans, the rivers, streams and brooks,
the oaks and pines and all the trees in all
the forests, the bright blooming flowers and
the graceful grasses will dance in a joyous
breeze blowing across pastures and meadows
where four-legged creatures will rise on their
hind legs in tribute to the human beings who
have awakened to the world of we, the
universe of oneness.

Some day.
Some day.