Tune: Abridge
(\'Be thou my guardian and my guide\')
John 10 v.14-18
I am the good Shepherd, and know
My sheep, it sure is so
And I am known of them my sheep
I will them each one keep
As the Father knows me, e\'en so
I do the Father know
And I do lay down my life for
Them, I can do no more
And other sheep I have, they be
Not of this sheep-fold, see
Them I must bring, and they shall hear
My voice, to me draw near
And there shall be one flock, one fold
Counted, it shall be told
And one shepherd, they gathered in
The lives that I shall win
Therefore does my Father love me
For I do His will, see
Lay down my life, that I may take
It again for sheep\'s sake
No one takes it from me, but I
Lay it down, then to die
Power I have to it down lay
Then take again, I the Way
This commandment have I received
Of my Father believed
Risen good Shepherd of the sheep
Your fold bless and us keep