
Quota Of Qualities

Tune & Hymn: Amazing Grace

2 Peter 1 v.3-8


\'Tis true, God\'s divine power, He

Has given to us, see

All things that unto life pertain

Too godliness we gain


It is through knowing Him, our Lord

And this is sure, His word

That He has called us to glory

And by virtue, so be


In this calling we are given

Whether child, women, men

Exceeding great and precious too

Promises, e\'en to you


Given that by these promises

We may partake in this

The divine nature, escaped we

The world\'s corruption, see


And so do give all diligence

Add to faith virtue hence

Add to virtue knowledge, good sense

To knowledge [add] temperance


And to temperance add patience

And to patience add thence

Godliness, add to godliness

Warm brotherly* kindness


To brotherly kindness add love

The Spirit, holy dove

Shall help you grow, to know Christ more

His graces on you pour


* \'filial\' could be used instead of \'brotherly\',

to cover male and female, as there is sisterly love too!