
The Sixties, Was I There.

Was I there in the sixties?

I can remember it, so some say I wasn’t there.

But I can remember the great bands, the great songs.

The Beatles reigned but Elvis was King.

I was in the House where the Sun rose on The Animals,

Where Satisfaction of the Stones was missing.

Gerry walked with me so I was Never Alone,

The Searchers gave me Sweets which

Really Got Me into Something Good.

Tom found life Not Unusual

Until Lucy found the Diamonds.

The Vibrations were always Good on The Beach;

The Harem became Whiter in their Pale life.

The songs ended with Serge making love to Jane.


“I was there!” said my mate Joe

“The wars in Margate and Clacton!”

“Brighton sixty four, I was there!”

Mods and Rockers, clashing on the Beach;

And where was I, I was in the bar with friends,

Drinking beer and smoking Gauloise.

Dressed in my suit with the collarless coat;

A Dedicated Follower of Fashion.


Yes I remember The Sixties with love.

The time of my young manhood.

Times with good friends and laughter;

The bands, the dances, the girls.

The girls, always so sweet and me so coy;

Days of my innocence, a world always remembered

With fondness and love.


The change of the seventies where my life became serious

And was never the same, as marriage and children took over.

But still fashion had its price!

With my long hair, beard, pale grey bell-bottomed suit,

The white platform shoes, and of course the kipper tie,

A Dedicated Follower of Fashion?