Ariel Perez

Forgetting you

I am sorry

I say those words to myself every day

because every day I miss him

The boy who hurt me at just 17

Telling me lies

Saying \'I love you\' that morning and then leaving that afternoon

I questioned myself too many times on why

all the same answers arose

He couldn\'t love me right

It wasn\'t me

its now a couple months after but I still long for him

I long for his love

I do not care to be loved by many but by him only

How do I forget, my last birthday where I took him out to dinner 

How do I forget, his last birthday where I made him dinner and bought him gifts with my first paycheck

How do I forget, meeting his family and bringing him to meet mine

How do I forget, the panic attack when he told me it was over

How do I forget, his infidelity with no reasoning behind it

How do I forget, those late nights of crying because of his last words

How do I forget, being in love with him and him saying he no longer loves me

but he did that morning, he did last night

how do I forget him

how do I forget memories

how do i forget you

the boy who hurt me at just 17