THE FACT *THAT THE WATERS CYCLES* Is one of Mother Natures greatest Gifts to *The Living Planet ~ Earth* We have had a bit of DROUGHT in the last 3 Months in Essex and we woke This Morning to find our LANE a RIVER and Smokey  coming in through the cat flap like a Drowned Rat ~ and we are both *Singing & Dancing in the Rain* in the KITCHEN !


T HE WATERS CYCLES ~ Because the drops of

H - O - H  obey the *Laws of Science*

E ARTH @ Sea Level ~ the Molecules of


W ATER ~ freeze @ ZERO C ~ and they boil

A t One Hundred C ~ Evaporation

T ranspires @ much lower temperatures !

E vaporation forms the clouds ~ and their

R ain & Snow falls on the Hills & Plains !


C ycling the Water ~ purifies the Atmosphere

Y eilds Water to the Land ~ promotes Plant Growth

C entigrade average is Sixteen ~ Water is

L iquid ~ covers Seventy-one % of EARTH 

E VERYWHERE WATER !  None escapes into Space !

S treams & Rivers flow back into Oceans  ~  AMEN !


Thanks for visit comments welcome Love Angela & Brian XOX


Without WATER & OXYGEN ~ Planet Earth world be as *DEAD as the MOON* ! Never ever take Water for Granted. It is very expensive to make *WATER* potable so please dont waste or pollute it !  In a Time of DROUGHT (like now in the UK) please dont water your Garden or wash your Car with a Hose. When we stay with relatives in Mexico (Puebla) we have to buy drinking water from the AQUARADOR by the carboy. It make you value & conserve WATER !